Book a 1-1 mentorship or coaching call with Alicia

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Are you stuck in a toxic relationship cycle?

Do you find yourself leaving only to go back on your word?

Do you find it hard to trust yourself?

Are you scared of the unknown?

I help people like yourself get out of toxic relationships by:

  • Helping you break the trauma bond that keeps you stuck in the viscous cycle

  • Knowing your worth

  • Praying and seeking God for biblical advice and healing

  • Overcoming toxic patterns & instilling confidence, self-love, & power back into you so you become the person God intended for you to be.

This coaching will help you grow closer to God while healing.

  • Learn how to cope in a healthy way

  • Overcome spiritual warfare through the breakup (the enemy loves to attack when you’re weak & vulnerable)

  • Become the strongest & most confident version of yourself

  • Find your God-given purpose through this

  • Be in community + have a support system through the whole process - connecting with others to help encourage, uplift, and pray with


The Client is aware that the coaching relationship does not represent psychological counseling or any kind of therapy. The Client is also aware that coaching results can vary and are not guaranteed. The Client agrees that they are entering into coaching with the understanding that the Client is responsible for their own decisions and results. The Client also agrees to hold the Coach free from all liability for any actions or results for adverse situations created as a direct or indirect result of advice given by the Coach.


Coaching sessions can be rescheduled outside of 24 hours from the date/time of the appointment without penalty. Within 24 hours, the cancellation fee is the full cost of the session. Our policy does not include refunds. By confirming your payment for any product or service, you accept these terms and the cancellation/refund policy.